Message from the Chairman

Steve Harvey

Valley Industries is proudly regional-based, employing over 500 staff across the Manning and Forster regions of NSW, and providing services to over 315 participants. This is a considerable increase from the previous year. We are proud as well to employ and provide services to Aboriginal people. Valley Industries makes an enormous contribution to the social fabric of the communities it operates in. As has been the case for much of Valley Industries 50 years of history, this work is most often performed quietly and humbly, without fanfare or recognition. Valley Industries work however, continues to change lives, providing a quality of life to the participant, helping them to achieve their goals and supporting their carers. The last twelve months have had its difficulties operating under COVID-19 health requirements. I thank all staff, volunteers, participants and carers for their support during these difficult times. Once again, Valley Industries has had a good year with growth in many of its business operations and an increased surplus revenue. The surplus we generate provides Valley Industries the capital that has allowed us to refurbish the corporate office building, staff amenities, and resurface and landscape the grounds which now provides a more welcoming access to our plant nursery. We have purchased a number of properties for supported independent living residences, and plan for the building of new supported living residences including state of the art high dependency units at our Wingham Road development. Valley Industries is also in negotiations with Mid Coast Council for the purchase of vacant land on Breeze Parade Forster that, when finalised, will provide us with the opportunity to build, a number of new supported living residences in Forster. I would like to thank all Valley Industries staff and volunteers for their loyalty to the organisation and their commitment to the many participants that Valley Industries provide services to. The work of our staff is challenging and complex. It requires people who are flexible, caring, and positive. I would especially like to thank our CEO, Trent Jennison, our CFO David Isbel, and the management team for their dedication and continued vision. Finally, I pay tribute to my fellow Board members for so generously donating their time and expertise. We have a strong, diverse board and it is a great pleasure working with such a committed group of people.

Steve Harvey

Stephen Harvey,
Valley Industries